Hi, I'm David Wachlin.

Fullstack Web Developer

About me🙋‍♂️

I'm a software developer with a background in education. I'm passionate about learning, creating, communicating, and helping others.

I love using JavaScript, Node, React, and the rest of the JavaScript ecosystem to build cool things on the internet.



SpotiViz 📊
Full MERN-stack application that allows users to create bar graphs to visualize the audio feature data from their favorite songs on Spotify. Utilizes Spotify Web API and a D3 library for data visualization.
SpotiViz Screenshot
Web App
Little Free Librarian 📖
A full-stack app using Node/Express, MongoDB, and React to save the locations and books available at Little Free Libraries.
Web App
c0nn3c7 f0ur 🕹
My first web dev project - I used Javascript, jQuery, HTML and CSS to create a connect-4 game with a retro feel.
Web App